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Wisconsin’s Favorite Local Pet Store

People and Pets Love Visiting Pet World

Pet World is a local Wisconsin pet store with four great locations across the state. We are a community-based supplier of pets and pet products. Whether you want to add a new cat to the family or need to pick up some toys for your dog, our store is the place to go. Our goal is to make sure every pet owner has the resources to give their pet a healthy, active, and fulfilling life. You can bring your pet into our store anytime so they can see everything we have to offer and pick out something themselves. Our store just might become your pet’s new happy place.

pets posing for photo

Let Us Help You Find Your Next Pet

Nothing pleases us like helping you find your next pet. Whether it is a fish or a cat, our pets become integral members of the family. So, we realize how vital it is to help you find healthy and happy pets. We carry a variety of animals. Whenever possible, we source them from local breeders and animal enthusiasts. Visit our pet store when it’s time to add a new furry (or scaly) addition to the family. Our team will ensure that you find the perfect fit for your family. While we do not sell dogs, we do have a large selection of:

  • Cats
  • Freshwater fish
  • Saltwater fish
  • Birds such as parrots, parakeets, cockatoos and more
  • Reptiles
  • Small animals like gerbils, hamsters, mice, ferrets, and chinchillas

Pet World Offers Nail Trimming for Cats, Small Animals, Reptiles, and Wing & Nail Trimming for Birds

Give us a call to find out what the best time is to bring your pet in for a trimming.

bunny standing

Pets From Our Local Community and Surrounding Areas

At Pet World we do everything possible to ensure all the pets in our stores are healthy and properly cared for their entire lives. We get our cats, fish, birds, reptiles and small animals from trusted and caring breeders. Our first priority is always treating every animal in our store as though they were our own pet.

Why Pet Owners Trust Our Pet Store

Since our founding in 1978, we have remained committed to helping pet owners understand their pets’ needs through exceptional customer service and pet resources. We want to help pet owners in the community give their pets the best life possible. This means delivering reliable pet care information as well as high-quality pet supplies and accessories. As a locally owned pet store, we strive to help pets find safe and loving homes. By selling pets from within the community, we hope to reduce the number of pets without homes and give pet owners the best experience possible.

birds on branch

Everything Your Pet Needs to Be Healthy and Happy

We don’t carry anything we wouldn’t give to our own pets. We have a collection of well-made pet products, including toys, cages, food, treats, grooming products, and many other pet accessories. When you and your pet visit us, it’s like taking a kid to a toy store. It doesn’t matter if you have a dog or a bird. They’ll love shopping at our pet store.