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The Place to Go For Pets and Pet Supplies in Wisconsin

Get the finest pets and pet supplies at Wisconsin’s Pet World. We are the place to go whether you need to get a new furry member of your family or just need to pick up some food for them. We carry a wide range of pet supplies and accessories for all types of animals. Whether you need food for your gerbil or a new tank for your fish, we have you covered. Our store has everything you need to keep your pet happy, healthy, and safe. We encourage every pet owner to visit us in person. You can even bring your pet. Our store may just become your pet’s new favorite place.

Paracanthurus hepatus, Blue tang in Home Coral reef aquarium.

Get Your Next Fluffy or Scaly Companion

Some people have a thing for furballs, and some people love scaly swimmers. We want to help you find the next big addition to your family. Our store carries a large selection of pets who are just looking for someone to love. We sell all types of pets, except dogs. So, come in and get a gerbil, cat, fish, reptile, or bird today.

Get Free Items With Our Frequent Buyer Program

buy 10n get one free flyer
Between food, treats, litter, and other pet supplies, we know that owning a pet can become expensive. So, we have created an exciting Frequent Buyers Program to help pet owners save money on their pet supplies. When you shop with us regularly, you will get deals on select items and name brands. The deals include:

  • Dog and cat food
  • Rawhide
  • Dog treats
  • Cat litter
  • Small animal food, treats, and bedding
  • Reptile substrates
  • And more

Nail & Wing Trimming Services

Come in during store hours, no appointment needed. Simply give us a call to find out what the best time is to bring your pet in for a trimming.

  • Small Animal Nails
  • Finch, Canary, and Parakeet Nails
  • Finch, Canary, and Parakeet Wings
  • Cockatiel and Conure Nails
  • Cockatiel and Conure Wings
  • Parrot and Small Cockatoo Nails
  • Parrot and Small Cockatoo Wings
  • Macaw and Large Cockatoo Wings
  • Reptile Nails
  • Cat Nails

Come Check Out Pet World

Next time you need to stock up on pet supplies, visit us. Our store carries a vast selection of cages, toys, healthcare products, grooming products, and much more. Pets and people both love visiting us. We have four convenient locations across the state in Greenfield, Menomonee Falls, West Allis, and Waukesha. The pet-loving representatives at our store are always happy to meet your pet and recommend the best brands and accessories. Don’t wait any longer. Come visit our pet store today!

Visit Us Today!